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Acts 1:8 Ministry Wants You To Ask These Essential Questions Before Volunteering


Updated: Aug 7, 2019

Originally published on

Acts 1:8 Ministry is a non-profit organization with years of experience in the volunteer arena and acknowledges that the desire to volunteer is an admirable one, but good intentions alone don't automatically bring the best results. Before offering yourself as a volunteer, it's essential to be organized and to know what you're getting into.

Acts 1:8 Ministry is positive that asking yourself these questions will ensure you start on the right track, and that your volunteering efforts will bring rewards for both you and your community.

1) What Skills Do You Have?

Although it's often enough to give only your time and goodwill, any particular skills or experience you have can be beneficial to a project. Make a detailed list of everything you can offer, whether you think it's relevant or not. You may be surprised at how useful some of your less apparent qualities could be to a volunteering organization.

2) What Do You Enjoy Doing?

Volunteering should be fun and fulfilling as well as useful. If you aim to volunteer in an area you enjoy, your enthusiasm will mean you give more of yourself, and everyone will benefit.

3) What Drives You?

Why are you planning to volunteer? Is it through a general sense of wanting to contribute, or do you have a particular goal or achievement in mind? Are you happy to make a small difference on a personal level, or to make a more significant impact on your community or the wider world? Considering these questions will help you choose a project that's fulfilling without being overwhelming.

4) Are You a Team Worker?

Some volunteering projects rely heavily on teamwork, while others are more suited to individual efforts. Both can be highly useful, but you need to decide how much interaction you'll want to enjoy before committing yourself.

5) How Committed Are You?

Is your enthusiasm for volunteering a recent development which might fade away, or are you sure it'll be a long-term commitment? How much time and other resources can you devote to your volunteering, and are you sure you can stick to your promises?

If in doubt, start out with a little less commitment than you'd eventually like to make. That way, if things don't work out, you won't cause too much disruption if you decide to quit.

Volunteering is a powerful driver of good works, even if it sometimes flies under the radar of society. Approaching it thoughtfully and preparing for it fully will ensure you and your community both enjoy the real benefits it can bring.


About Acts 1:8 Ministry:

Acts 1:8 Ministry aims to make it easy for Christians to share their faith and provide outreach across the globe. The Planned Acts of Christian Kindness® (P.A.C.K.®) Program allows Christians to spread the love of God in an easy and non-threatening way. The organization’s primary focus is to provide free evangelism tools to care, share and connect people to Christ through Christian kindness.


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