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Donate And Make An Impact

Realize the Power of a Gift...

Thank you for considering a gift to help equip Christians all around the world to evangelize through kindness. Whether you would like to give now or after your lifetime, strategic planning allows you to align your charitable giving with your financial and estate plans. Many giving plans offer financial benefits, so you can be sure that you will make the greatest impact while supporting yourself and your loved ones.

Give Today

When you donate to Acts 1:8 Ministry®, you are helping equip Christians all around the world to evangelize through Christian Kindness. 


We are 100% donor supported and can only equip as many Christians as your giving allows. Thank you for giving from your heart!


“We obligate ourselves to bring the first fruits of our ground and the first fruits of all fruit of every tree, to the house of the Lord.” -Nehemiah 10:35


You will be directed to a secure page to make your donation. Acts 1:8 Ministry® is a 501(c)(3). Your gift is tax deductible.

Planned Giving

You can help ensure that people around the world will continue to learn of Christ's love by leaving a Christian legacy with the Acts 1:8 Foundation®.


Through planned giving you will help equip Christians to evangelize through kindness by providing sustainability of resources.

Many giving plans offer you financial benefits, so you can be sure that you will make the greatest impact while supporting yourself and your loved ones.

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.

Acts 1:8 Ministry® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization equipping Christians to evangelize through kindness.

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