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About Acts 1:8 Ministry

The foundation of Acts 1:8 Ministry is built upon God's Word and our call as Christians to share His message of love and grace.



At Acts 1:8 Ministry, we equip Christians all around the world to evangelize in their own communities through our free Planned Acts of Christian Kindness® (P.A.C.K.®) Program. Our program allows Christians to share their faith and the love of God in an easy and non-threatening way. P.A.C.K. directly links the source of this loving kindness to Jesus Christ and invites the recipient to your place of worship through the Christian Kindness Card.


We have equipped thousands of Christians located in all 50 states in America and in 115 other countries, touching hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide with Christ's love through Christian Kindness. Whether through the giving of a practical gift, like a bottle of cool water on a hot day, or the doing of a helpful service, which could be something as simple as offering to return someone’s shopping cart, this is what makes P.A.C.K. so easy to adapt to all languages and cultures. No matter where you are in the world you can participate in P.A.C.K. by customizing the program to match your specific situation. Perhaps the greatest application of P.A.C.K. is using it to reach the everyday people of your community. There are millions of people who do not know the love of Jesus nor the life-saving message of the Gospel. Through simple acts of kindness we can easily sow the seeds of the Spirit just like Jesus taught us to.


We welcome you to take part in this journey and spread God's love through Christian Kindness to the ends of the earth!

Acts 1:8 Ministry® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization equipping Christians to evangelize through kindness.

Connect with us on social media #ChristianKindness

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